Today as I'm online to order my sandwich and tropical fantasy soda the vieja in front of me playing her mega millions with them numeros bonito began to tell me the world would end December 21 2012. I know you guys have herd this all before.......................... 
Yeah the whole Y2K thing really didn't work out to well considering I'm writing this 11 years later I guess they were slightly off. Yet again the vieja was real passionate as she got her 7 scratchers, can of Goya beans and candle with the Virgin Mary painted on it.
Similar to the one pictured above. Anyway, I began to speculate on ways the world will come to an end. Let see could it be asteroid
dear god I hope not do we really need for Bruce Willis and Ben Affeleck to try to save us again.
Could it be nuclear Holocaust.
Yeah JFK called he said he wants his campaign speech back.
So what can it be what will eliminate us off the face of the planet.
Eureka I think I got it we will all be killed off by
Thats right bed bugs will be the cause of the apocalypse. I know what you thinking they are barely visible how can they destroy the human race. Well the great Philosopher JJ Abrams showed us how in
Silly Rabbit the Lost Series Finale aren't for
Good movie but lets get back on topic how did JJ Abrams tell us that bed bugs will rule the world and makes us go the way of TREX??????
The Cloverfield Monster wasn't a super sea creature that is one big ass chinche. Still Have doubts that a bed bugs can grow that big may I jog your memory.
Thats right the chupacabra is just a bed bug living on a steady diet of
Imagine how big a bed bug get on a steady diet of
Then again I guess I could be wrong.
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