Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Happy 420! 

The holiday in which we celebrate our love for 

But as the great Philosopher
once said 
"The sales of Dutch Master, Tropical Fantasy grape soda and all delicious snacks have helped send the stock market through the roof today. Financial experts are baffled"

SO hurry up run to the 

get your 

go find your local neighborhood
and go home and 


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Top 5 Birthday Gifts On Dan Rodriguez's Wish List {Special B'day Edition}

We here at El Caballo would like to wish fellow writer/blogger...

Daniel Rodriguez a...

Now, if you're still looking for that special birthday gift for Dan, I've decided to come up with a special birthday blog identifying the top 5 gifts on Dan's wish list...And here they are...(Thank me later, Dan):

Number 5:  Dinner for two @...

Sandy's restaurant; Located on 116th Street and 2nd Avenue, where he'll enjoy a few healthy servings of...


Number  4:  Two first class tickets to...

The shinning star, Puerto Rico.

Why two tickets, you ask?  Dan would love nothing more than to be accompanied by none other than...

Rosa Acosta

During this trip Dan will surprise Ms Acosta by having...

Sing to them while they work on their first...


Number 3:  A lifetime pass to Sin City...

No, not that Sin City...

Nice...But not this Sin City either...

Sin City (The strip club located in the Bronx, NY)

Number  2:  A lifetime supply of...

Four Loko's and...

Circo Coconut

And the number 1 gift Daniel Rodriguez wants for his birthday is...

A New York Knick playoff series win over the hated Boston Celtics...

While Dan may end up not getting any of these gifts for his birthday...stranger things have happened...

Written by Jason Marrero

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Who should Gloria James be topping off now

Who is this women and why is she famous?
Her name is Gloria James and she happen to give birth to 
Lebron James who would go on to have a bi-polar team mate named delonte west
well mama james wanted her a bad boy so she began to 
Top off MR. WEST
this upset her bundle of joy so much he would later take his "talents" to 
South Beach.

Well now Delonte's Bad boys ways have rubbed off on his old jump off, because early this week Gloria  was arrested for assault. So we believe its time for Gloria to Start toping off some one else in order to regain her image.

DWADE And Bosh 
I mean why not go after some more of Her Son's Teammates 

The Bravehearts 
Maybe she was Gloria the blowjobqueen of Astoria that was referenced in the song Ouchie Wallie 

Wendy Williams
come on she ain't fooling anyone we all know thats really a man.
Charlie Sheen
that would be winning but does she have the tiger blood for that

Yes She Can top off Obama

As good as all of those candidates sound I think the next person Gloria James will top off in order to Rebuild her Image

El Caballo's own Hollywood J


Monday, April 11, 2011

Carlito Brigante...The World's Most Interesting Man???

When we last saw Carlito Brigante we saw...

Oh shit...Wait....That's right!  Can we just act as if that never happened?

The last time we saw THE REAL Carlito Brigante we saw...

Being stretchered out of Penn Station....

After being shot by...

None other than Benny Blaco from the Bronx...

Or was that the last time we saw Mr. Brigante?

The last time we see Mr. Brigante in Carlito's Way he is shown closing his eyes.  It is supposed to represent his death...But did he die?  El Caballo writer Jason Marrero went deep underground and uncovered the truth.  Not only is Carlito Brigante alive but he's doing EXTREMELY well. 

So where is he and what is he doing you ask?  Well...Carlito Brigante is none other than...

The most interesting man in the world. 

"WHAT"?  You ask.  Well, let's start by looking at the strong resemblance...

The slick back hair and the beard only scream...

BORICUA and...


From the TV commercials we've seen that The Most Interesting Man In The World enjoys the night life...Well so does...

Carlito!  Heck he even owns a night club along with his business partner SASO...used to be Ron...

Need further proof?  Well here it is...We know that The Most Interesting Man In The World doesn't always drink but when he does he drinks...

Dos Equis...You know who else chooses Dos Equis?

Fellow El Caballo writer Dan Rodriguez?  No no no...we know he prefers...

I was actually talking about none other than...

Carlito Brigante....

Yes, that's right...Carlito Brigante was the original poster child for Dos Equis and there's the proof...

Let's look at the facts...

  1. Carlito's way takes place in 1975 which would mean Carlito would be up in age and have a full head and beard full of grays... Hmmmm Dos Equis man certainly has that.
  2. Old Puerto Rican men have a history of chasing young tail and partying at old age...Hmmmm Dos Equis man has those characteristics too
And how else do I know Carlito Brigante did not die in the last scene of Carlito's Way?  The last time we see him we see Carlito closing his eyes.  Any Puerto Rican knows this not signify death but signifies that he took a nap because we all know that all Puerto Ricans are not only always late but...


Written by
Jason Marrero

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dont Fredette you Jimmer Caps

So yeah el Caballo took a month off and got lazy but did you forget that we are.......
and we most likely were
the whole month of march  but we were actually just watching
March madness. yes march the one month of the 12 were college basketball rules the world
but you know at el caballo we will clown something so BYU we looking at you
Brandon Davies(the second best player on the team) go kick off the byu basketball for breaking the schools code of conduct which is 
The BYU honor code governs not only academic behavior, but morality, and dress and grooming standards of students and faculty, with the aim of providing an atmosphere consistent with LDS principles. The Honor Code requires:
  • Abstinence from illicit drugsalcoholtobaccocoffee, and tea (substances forbidden by the LDS Word of Wisdom)
  • Honesty
  • Encouraging others in their commitment to keep the Honor Code
  • Living a chaste and virtuous life:
    • Appropriate gender-specific behavior (no sexual harassment)
    • No involvement with pornographic or indecent material
    • No inappropriate sexual activity (no sexual relationships outside of marriage)
    • No homosexual behavior
  • Obedience to the law
  • Active participation in Church services (according to whatever religion of which one is a member)
  • Respect for others
  • Clean language
  • Following the "Residential Living Standards" (visiting hours for members of the opposite sex)
  • Dress and Grooming Standards. Abiding by the guidelines for dress, grooming, and housing. Skirts and shorts must reach to the knee and shirts may not be sleeveless. Form fitting, strapless and revealing clothing is not appropriate. Male students may not wear beards or goatees without permission; such permission is usually granted only to men with skin conditions aggravated by shaving, men whose religious beliefs require them to wear beards, or theatrical performances requiring beards.
  • Students are prohibited from having guns on campus

well he broke the rule about premarital sex(in case you guys are thinking he got busted drinking some lipton tea) which he admitted to the team because his girl friend got pregnant 
all im saying is that 
his teammate Jimmer Fredette's ass was all over espn every night you trying to tell me he wasn't getting some
